16 Mar
I’ve been rather busy since my last post and should have done a few in-between steps really, but I got carried away ;)
Since the last post I’ve almost completed the chassis! And found a out a few handy things regarding hard to find parts too. Firstly, take a peek at where she is now…
As you can see, she’s almost done now. Just a few bits left to bolt on.
The font end obviously missing the shockers…and the ever elusive BF9 front damper mounts…but I have some news regarding those! More to follow.
And the all important and equally rare, rear wing mount.
So, which parts have I found that are rare? You’ll notice the rear wing mount is now present which was never on the car originally. This part is actually a genuine Egress mount, but what I have learned is that the Egress’s rear mount is the same as the Top Force Evo (which I’ve just bought myself, that’s how I found out) with the only difference being that there is no bend in the Top Force version…but a vice and hammer would fix that! So if you’re on the hunt for a rear wing mount for your Egress, grab a Top Force Evo one and bend it yourself.
Front gold coated springs. Yep, you cant buy these, anywhere as nobody has them, full stop. The rears are available on eBay, but not the fronts. Well, in a run of good luck and some random eBay searching, I found that Tamiya still make some springs in EXACTLY the same off gold colour!! They are slightly different in shape, but colour wise they are a perfect match! Photos to follow.
Aaaaand lastly, the dreaded BF9, damper bag exclusive front shocker mounts. Well, you look around the web and you’ll see, these are THE rarest parts on the car, but I’ve managed to come across not one set, not two sets, but…35! And now your saying ‘how the hell?’ well, watch this space as I’ll reveal all real soon and will be linking to eBay where you can buy a set.
Ok, that’s all for now.