9 Dec
Hey Everyone!
Ok, so time has been against me, work, life and an Xbox One and PS4 have been vying for my time ;)
Anyway, last night and my lunch break today gave a good window to chew through most of the remaining build, read on!
First off, the new front lower shock mount design. This is what has replaced the BF8/BF9 design, which has annoyed and pleased many folks. It was an iconic design, which is something that people feel should have stayed, but in reality, it was rather weak and this new design is super strong in comparison.
And the two wishbones fitted, nothing new to report here…move along…
These are the new drive shafts that I forgot to photograph when building the rear end, so here are the font ones for you to look over. 100% new over the original design, but they do feel pretty sturdy. Bit of a PITA to make as they don’t come constructed, you have to build them yourself and use that horrid silver, sticky anti-wear grease. I hate that stuff ;)
PHWOAR! Here’s the new golden bling! Don’t they look lovely! And just to note, the only thing that is original to the vintage car here is the plastic knuckles. Everything else is new pretty much.
More gold porn…
Fitted and looking loooooooooooovely.
And again…
And here’s is the new front shock tower, super thick, super strong. I like this a lot!
An Egress is appearing, but not as we know it!
Nice new steering system built and fitted. This is very much like the original, only the materials and one screw design is different here.
The moment I have personally been waiting for, the bloody gorgous matt gold springed shocks! These are SOOOOO stunning! Lets slap’em on this beauty!
Actually some more close up action first…
FITTED! God damn this car is looking so, so sexy! What a beaut!
Nice close up of the front end to see all the new details…
And a close up of the rear end with the classic high lift wing mount. Iconic design!
And another…
And one more for good measure!
Next is the servo mounting, wheels, tyres and electrics installation. BRING IT ON!